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Query: Is waiver of loan taxable under Income Tax Act?
The waiver of a loan can be a complex issue when it comes to taxation under the Income Tax Act. The key question is whether the waiver of a loan should be considered as a taxable income or not. Let's delve into some relevant Supreme Court judgments to understand this issue better.

In the case of The Commissioner vs Mahindra And Mahindra Ltd. Through M.D. (24 Apr 2018), the Supreme Court examined the applicability of Section 28 (iv) and Section 41 (1) of the IT Act in relation to the waiver of a loan. The Court observed that for the waiver of a loan to be taxable under Section 28 (iv), the benefit received must be in a form other than money, which was not the case in the given scenario. Additionally, the Court noted that the waiver of a loan liability was not in the nature of income and hence could not be taxed under Section 41 (1) of the IT Act.

Another important judgment to consider is Tarulata Syam And Ors vs Commissioner Of Income-Tax, West ... (28 Apr 1977). In this case, the Court discussed the implications of Section 2(6A)(e) of the IT Act, which deals with the treatment of loans taken by shareholders. The Court highlighted the presumption created by the provision that an outstanding loan could be deemed as a payment of dividend. The judgment emphasized the potential for oppressive and double taxation consequences if a strict interpretation of the provision was adopted.

Based on these judgments, it can be inferred that the waiver of a loan may not necessarily be taxable as income under the Income Tax Act. The nature of the loan, the circumstances of the waiver, and the specific provisions of the Act play a crucial role in determining the taxability of such waivers. It is essential to consider the specific facts and legal provisions applicable to each case to arrive at a conclusive decision on the tax treatment of loan waivers.

In conclusion, the waiver of a loan may not always attract taxation under the Income Tax Act, as evidenced by the judgments discussed above. It is advisable for taxpayers and legal professionals to carefully analyze the relevant provisions and judicial precedents to determine the tax implications of loan waivers in specific cases.


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